Where It All Began
In November 1994, the USS CHIEF (MCM-14) was commissioned in honor of the dedicated service of the
Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy, as well as,
for the honored wartime service of her namesake,
USS CHIEF (AM-315), and she sails today as a testament to that tradition.
The planning and all subsequent activities leading up to the commissioning was all
Chief Petty Officer evolution starting with
"The CALL" which was put out to all
Chiefs across the nation to donate just $5.00 in honor of the USS Chief.
The response was so overwhelming that not only was the commissioning covered,
but there were enough leftover funds to bring the
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund
to fruition.
With MCPON 3, Bob Walker, and MCPON 7, Duane Bushey's, guidance, in
January 1998, the Charter of the
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund (CPOSF)
was signed at the
U.S. Navy's Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA)
in Newport, Rhode Island and 4- $500 scholarships were given out that year.
Funding the Scholarship
The CPOSF is 100% supported by Charitable Donations, Volunteers and Fundraising!
This generosity and "can do" attitude has kept the CPOSF afloat and in 27 years
we have given out over $1.8 million to
944 spouses and children of U.S. Navy Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs
across the nation and overseas.
Our continuing goal is to grant scholarships to all eligible applicants.
We do not employ professional fundraisers. Some signature EVENTS held by our group include:
The Best of the Mess Culinary Competition
(Tidewater Region and
Coming Soon to the JAX Area!)
Annual Golf Tournaments
(in various regions across the Nation)
MCPON Walker Legacy Ride (on hiatus)
(Tidewater Region)
Various Coin Auctions (online on Facebook)
GIVE DIRECT (online donations)
(Active Duty and Retired Military)
Donors are encouraged to support the CPOSF through your own fundraising efforts
in your Region.
For more information please contact one of our Board Members.
About Us
About Us
Contact Us
Board Officers: |
Chairman, MCPON 7 Duane Bushey, USN (Ret)
| |
Vice Chairman, MCPON 14 Steve Giordano, USN (Ret)
| |
President, CMDCM Scott Kelley, USN (Ret)
| |
Treasurer, YNC (SS) Bill Bond, USN (Ret) |
Secretary/Website Editor, Tuesday Alaniz
Mailing Address:
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund
328 Office Square Lane
Suite 101A
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Northeast Region (Rhode Island) - Joel Huval
Mid-East Region (Virginia) - Vicki Sonnenberg Brian Rambharack
Southeast Region (Florida- West) - Lori Young
Southeast Region (Florida-JAX) - Tom Conway Jesse Henson
Judy Daniel
Mid-West South Region (Texas) - Kelly Cobb Austin McCarty
Washington DC Region - Victor Smith
Jason Sugai
Southwest Region (California) - Maria Lopez
Mid-Pacific Region (Guam) - Rick Camacho
Pacific Region (Hawaii) - Gene Rivera
Far East Region (Japan) - James Wardrobe
Download our
See the Flyer Below for More Information
Download the Flyer
Seeking Regional Directors Flyer with map.pdf
(1/1/23 - 12/31/23)
Download: Annual Report - CPOSF24.pdf
How do recipients get chosen for a scholarship?
All applications for eligible candidates are carefully reviewed by an independent panel of Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs at the Navy's Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport, Rhode Island. The panel grades the applications and develops the slate of selected awardees using standard evaluating criteria. The panel then presents that slate to the CPOSF Board of Directors. The CPOSF board does not participate in, influence, or question this panel's final decision or the results. The CPOSF Board of Directors, in order to be fair and impartial, does not receive or handle in any way any of the applications until selections are final.
Upon selection, the slate of recipients and alternates are given to the Administration Office in Virginia Beach, VA for processing. Scholarship Recipients are announced between Mid-June and Mid-July via Award Letters, our Website and Facebook Page and Group.
Am I eligible if I've received a previous scholarship?
Anyone who meets the basic requirements will be considered for a scholarship. You must reapply each year in which you are eligible.
If the CPO is deployed can the spouse sign by Power of Attorney (POA)? If so, do you need a copy of the POA attached to the application?
All we need from the spouse is the application and the sponsor's (Chief) name. The spouse or guardian can sign on the sign the sponsor / guardian line.
Do we need to submit SAT scores with the application? How about college acceptance letters?
We do not need to know the SAT scores to award the scholarships nor do we require college acceptance letters. We send the scholarship directly to the college bursar in August or September in the name of the recipient.
Do we need to submit Official or Non-Official Transcripts?
We do not need copies of ANY transcripts unless requested.
My sponsor was a Chief who was selected into the LDO/ CWO community. Am I still eligible to apply for a CPOSF scholarship?
Currently our scholarships are not available to those Chiefs who chose to convert to LDO and CWO. We base this on relative need and feel that an average LDO and CWO has more disposable income than CPOs. Since we do not currently require a financial aid statement this becomes a criteria.
When are the applications due?
Your application should be postmarked no later than April 1st for the year you are applying and mailed to the address listed on both the checklist and on the application form in Newport, Rhode Island. Application packages will not be accepted if postmarked later than this date or received at the wrong address. No exceptions!
What Expenses can my Scholarship be used for?
If selected for a scholarship, Award Checks are sent directly to the Bursar Office of the School you have chosen to go to. The Bursar applies to your student account and most schools will apply half in Fall and half in Spring unless you direct them otherwise. Our scholarship can be used for Tuition, Fees, Books, Room and Board or any expense that is run through your student bursar account. If the student qualifies for and is using their Sponsor's transferred Post 9-11 GI Bill, our scholarships can still be used for any expenses not covered as long as it goes through the Bursar Account. Please talk to your Financial Aid Office at your school to discuss questions concerning this and any other scholarships that you may be receiving.